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I raise specifically for my needs and mainly I use them on cow/calf pairs when hiring out for day work, so almost all the cattle are not very,  if at all familiar with dogs. This makes for a challenge. To have the the right type of dogs to gain cattle’s respect,  but not over do it and stir things up , while at the same time, keeping the owner of the cattle happy.

 I strive to raise dogs to have enough confidence to gain a good deal of respect with just presence. I want bite only when necessary. I don’t want them to pick a fight, but will rise to the challenge and put stock back in their place quickly and quietly. Then release pressure to give the cow room to leave without encouraging another fight. Release at the correct time is as essential to me as anything. Generally speaking my dogs/pups will not back down to a challenge and most will bite both ends when necessary.


Of course pups vary some.


My favorite story of Jeff, is one spring morning I went out to do chores and 6 head of yearlings had crowded two fences and where getting into the cow pasture. I jumped Jeff on the back of the pickup in hopes of catching them before they found the cows. The wind was howling and they could smell the cows, so, as yearlings can be they were hell bent on going and split up.


My three dog got into the buttes and I had to abandon them. So I walked to the top to call Jeff back, but the wind was so strong he couldn’t hear me.

I watched as the 3 dogs mixed with all the cows and pairs in the next draw over. Jeff went right on to the middle of the herd, taking his time and sorted out all three yearlings.

Twice, a curious calf ran to the yearlings and Jeff would sort it back. Then my 3 yearlings came around the hill, so he picked them up too, and brought all 6 1/2  half mile back around the hill and through the gate on his own, without having been given one command.


That’s what kind of thinkers they are.

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